Three years ago today, I suffered what I have come to refer to succinctly as, “the loss.” During the first post-loss year, I tried my best to avoid acknowledging the 25th and what it represented, in any month.
Thank you for being vulnerable. It resonates deeply. It is odd how grief sneaks in when we least expect it, and after so much time has elapsed… even when we are relatively happy, even when we think we've done the hard work of healing.
I admittedly haven’t been on your page in a while, friend, but wow… I resonate with so much of this. The ups and downs continue. Thankful to know we’re not alone in it.
Oh, no worries, lady. We all have lives, and nobody wants to be sad all the time :-). I actually thought about you quite a bit while writing this. I remember you going through it pretty hard during the last "anniversary month."
Definitely don’t care to be sad all of the time. Haha! Yep. Sometimes that day (and the days, weeks, and even months surrounding it) just really stings. Other times, not so much. At least we know it’s all normal. All part of the journey.
It was the hardest thing I’ve ever seen you go through, and yet the most miraculous strength I’ve ever seen. Yes every February around this time I get very melancholy too.
Thank you for being vulnerable. It resonates deeply. It is odd how grief sneaks in when we least expect it, and after so much time has elapsed… even when we are relatively happy, even when we think we've done the hard work of healing.
You are welcome, Carmelle. And I'm glad that it resonates. There's comfort in knowing we aren't alone on these journies.
I admittedly haven’t been on your page in a while, friend, but wow… I resonate with so much of this. The ups and downs continue. Thankful to know we’re not alone in it.
Oh, no worries, lady. We all have lives, and nobody wants to be sad all the time :-). I actually thought about you quite a bit while writing this. I remember you going through it pretty hard during the last "anniversary month."
Definitely don’t care to be sad all of the time. Haha! Yep. Sometimes that day (and the days, weeks, and even months surrounding it) just really stings. Other times, not so much. At least we know it’s all normal. All part of the journey.
Life is like a spiral… but 3D, not 2D.
I always appreciate what you have to share!
Thank you so much, Jenn.
Big hug. One awesome piece of writing, my friend.
Thank you so much, Neal. I'll raincheck that hug!
It was the hardest thing I’ve ever seen you go through, and yet the most miraculous strength I’ve ever seen. Yes every February around this time I get very melancholy too.
Thank you so much, ma. That means an awful lot coming from you.