You know what to do.

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Our intuitive, empathetic, compassionate selves are having a tough time lately...seeing so much pain in human suffering around us right now. And many of the new "leaders" are just doubling down and making things worse for those in need. Those of us with bleeding hearts to the human condition are struggling and feeling helpless when we witness this pain in others. (Remember the song "King of Pain"?) That is you, that is us; we are those people who feel that pain daily when we see suffering and struggle and feel powerless to help. We can involve ourselves in "big helps" if we have the time and resources. But even noticing and doing small things for others, a small compliment or small gesture of assistance, can make a huge difference in someone's day. Treating all with kindness and respect and compassion on a daily basis is how I try to make small differences each day. It will never take away our witnessing of that pain, but it may help theirs, if only for a moment. Thank you Adam. Mary B

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Very well put, Mary B. It is those small things and little acts of kindness or compassion that make my world go around these days. The best we can do is all we can do :-)

Thanks again.

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I’m not sure my last comment went through so I’m going to say it again because it’s so important to me. This really touched my heart deeply and I am so proud of you Adam for your compassion and insightfulness.

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Thanks, ma :-)

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timely...in so very many ways. Thanks for your openness and sharing.

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You are very welcome, Jann. And thank you for your feedback.

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